
Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Fastingness of Fasting

"You reach a stage in your life when u realize..." That's a really nice quote but unfortunately, it has nothing to do with Fasting...I think.

It actually started on a Monday, in Ramadan (coincidentally
) hence fasting. Any way... Corpse Kicker asked me how my weekend was, and I didn’t know, seriously my mind was a blank. Like a Void. A nice Big void. Luckily CorpseKicker had a solution for my dilemma(which was driving me insane) she said "you were Fasting", which technically wasn't a lie. Then for some strange reason unbeknown to me, it became the most common word used amongst the circle...”what you did?" "Fasted"...”How's the studing?" "Didn't start, to busy Fasting"...etc

In a nut shell, the epicenteral composite crux (been working on my perambulating :) ) of Fasting, is pretty much doing nothing...

Damn...thought this post would've been longer..

oh..and the opposite of fasting is probably feasting. Personally, I prefer gnitsaF..