
Monday, November 06, 2006

The Weight...Weight???

Well..I just finished most of my exams, and yip, gotta wait for the results. So begins the daily visits to the infamous WebCT. Current Students-->Log in-->type tour student no. and Password and you in. Hold your breathe and click on Final results(unfortunately for me my internet connection isn’t so fast, so it’s a long wait)..Now you fall into 3 groups

No. 1 (Most common and the anti-climax)-Marks aren’t out and the Wait continues…

No. 2 (Also common but less of an anti-climax)-you Admitted to the Supplementary Exam. And you think to yourself “Couldn’t I just Fail!..Now I have to study that stupid thing again” or you greatfull that you got another chance to TRY and pass.

No.3 (Pretty much the Climax)-You passed or Failed…

I really Hate the Wait..Oh and if you get the Fail or Supp. Just drink some OJ or hit the Palm of your hand Really hard. I heard it helps.

Ay! I think this Qualifies As my 1st of-Fish-al blogg. Doesn’t the previous post make so much more sense now ?


  • At 10:06 PM, Blogger neverBlink said…

    but then when the marks finally get released, it makes it so much more worthwhile..

  • At 11:20 PM, Blogger corpsekicker said…

    neverblink>> yeah, it makes life great.

    To fast then. Remember how hard work pays off later but laziness pays off now? I think you should make a post just about that, AntiVerbose. Explain to all the non-circle people what fasting really means.

    Oh btw, congrats on your first post.. It's GREAT!

  • At 2:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    (to the other readers, this is in no way an afflication towards anti-verbose, simply a joke between us)

    anyways...good to see you getting your thoughts out..maybe you`ll work on the verbal later on..

    i`ll be starting my blog soon..well err.. pending laziness.. though from the ou`s you prolly the only one that`ll read it.. and err *whispers*.. Bk.. she has a blog also..

    now some random humour that you will only understand.. .





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