Y Blog ?
Ok so I've been meaning to write this post for about 5 weeks now. Hopefully I'll get it done today. Yes. I am the procrastinator (ironically I did a speech on that in about STD 2-4). Moving on..As you can tell from the Title, this post is about why should one blog. It’s something I've been asking myself allot lately (the past 5 weeks). I don’t see myself as the blogging type. I mean I blog allot in my head and think to myself "yes this would make a great blog! *Jumps up and down/breaks something*", but I don’t ever get down to writing it out, and the delay causes me to forget what I wanted to blog about so I end up staring at my computer screen thinking about the LP lines "..I had nothing to say and I get lost in the nothingness inside of me (I was confused) ..." So any way, I decided since I was wondering about blogging and stuff I might as well blog about that. Hence this post, but the procrastination really messes things up. Like now... I have no idea what else I was going to say. I know I wanted to talk about fishing and me needing to blog about that as soon as I catch a nice adult size (no babies or teenagers) and take a pic, to show, for fun. There was also suppose to be something about Disney channel, Kuzco and Cosmo... btw Kuzco + Cosmo = very Funny. So yeah a pretty Random post, but a post none the less. So I still don’t know if blogging is for me. I really doubt it, but I think a post every 3-6 months about something really dumb and insignificant or about Fish and 7 (Note how I separated "dumb and insignificant" from "Fish and 7"...VERY important). So that’s all I have to say for now...I think.
*Random thought in head "This has very little to do about bloggingness"*
Oh yes was going to say something about campus starting soon, and stocking up on the OJ and Noss...Oh…I said it. Okay I think that’s it...
*Random thought in head "This has very little to do about bloggingness"*
Oh yes was going to say something about campus starting soon, and stocking up on the OJ and Noss...Oh…I said it. Okay I think that’s it...
At 11:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
*Tribute to Cosmo*
and i live it out all to find that i`m not the only person with these things in.........WHEELBARROW!!"
*Tribute to Bean*
hmmm.. why to blog...? well for me .. or rather my last blog.. was my Internal Monlogue.. the thoughts you have in your head.. or rather the conversation between you and yourself... mentally ofcourse.. if you having then verbally... well ..err.. let me know when you gonna be on Dr Phil.. i`ll tape it.. .
back to the point... my old blog was just a way for me to remember my internal monologues.. .
Random Humour only applicable to you:
Advanced draughts
"if only we knew a ou... "
"please can i use the machine
instead of the dumbell" <-- n00b
rat ratter .. .
"you`re a waste of a joke" .. and now blog.. .
gonna paraphrase it though..
"do you have this burning dersire within for someone to mention her name.."
At 10:47 AM,
corpsekicker said…
:Bastard:they so good...they managed to log into linux.
:Masochist:i hate them.
:Would-be-Saint:i love them
:Masochist:show offs
This is making life great.
The Cartoon Heroes were just sitting in the Grey Lab, sometimes known as the Kitchen and reading this blog.
About to post a comment when we just had to make a certain comment regarding other geeks/dorks ag i mean heroes.
Jealousy brings out the most hilarious in us, i guess.
At 4:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
Ok.. So this is what a blog looks like.. Not bad at all.. And just btw i'm using my phone at so 4am and i'm pretty tired rite now.. Got that naaring insomnia.. And deep in thought.. About like making a blog.. Ohya and no1 on mxit.. So i figured i'd visit your blog.. But enough of that.. Where do i find hot chicks here? Hehe.. Kiddin.. But can tell me anyway.. Hmmm.. So the topic is why blog.. Well i don't blog so da hell would i know.. So much for deep in thought about blogging.. Oh and hard lol! @ gnitsaF
At 8:30 AM,
corpsekicker said…
...K-U-Z-C-O!!!!!! and Kuzco was his name-o
At 2:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
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